Kids love Emojis, Adults love Emojis, Grandparents love Emojis...pretty much everyone loves Emojis! So why not use what students love to get them excited about learning and sharing what they know. We have used emojis over the years in the iPad Lab but this year I wanted to do something new that my students would love! I wanted to have a lesson and creation based completely on emojis!
This is a perfect creation for all ages K-12th grade because it opens the door for a class discussion about appropriate and inappropriate emojis for school use. The beginning of the year is the prefect time for talking about digital citizenship and technology safety. This lesson fits in perfectly and is completely relatable for all students and they love it. It's also fun to discuss and I know the students are listening and anticipating what we are going to create using emojis. I also teach the students how to personalize certain emojis by holding it down a few seconds to access the range of skin colors and hair colors. This lesson was not my own idea I found it on the Twitter feed of @Seesaw. My students did this lesson in the fall of 2017 using our Seesaw Learning Journals as seen in the picture above. My students followed these steps. 1. Open your Seesaw journal. 2. Tap on the white plus sign + to add to your journal. 3. Tap on the Note icon to add a new note to your journal. This gives you a piece of notebook paper. 4. Type in your title- All about me...emoji style. 5. Type in your statements like-My favorite foods. 6. Tap the smiling emoji to access your emoji keyboard. 7. Tap to add a few emojis after each statement. I would suggest using the above directions for upper elementary, middle school and high school. Since my students did this lesson Seesaw has added Seesaw Activities where teachers can create activities with an example, written directions, recorded directions, templates and picture prompts for younger students. I have also created a Seesaw Activity for this lesson. If you would like to add this activity to your Seesaw Activity Library just tap the Seesaw save activity button below. I would suggest using my Seesaw activity below for lower elementary students.
I did create a new Seesaw Activity link because I wanted to be able to share it with other teachers during professional development classes and conferences. Click on the link below and it will take you to the Seesaw Activity. You are welcome to download it to your Seesaw Activities if you use Seesaw.
Link to Seesaw Activity
If you don't use Seesaw I would highly suggest checking it out. Seesaw has made a tremendous impact on my students, the iPad Lab and the parents. Whenever a student creates any item in the iPad Lab they save it to their Seesaw learning journal. As soon as I approve their post to Seesaw it sends a message to their parents that a new item has been added. The parents can then look at the creation from whatever device they own. The parents can send their child a LIKE and/or a message. The students love seeing the likes especially if they are still in class! Another great aspect of Seesaw is the class feed! The parents only see what their student has added to their learning journal but in class we can see all of the additions in one feed. The students enjoy looking through the class feed once they finish their creation and leave Likes on their friends posts. We also use the class feed at the end of class for the students to present to their peers.
When we have presentations the peers give the feedback instead of me. We use a system I learned from my friend Tony Vincent. The students respond with 2 compliments they liked about the project and 1 wish that they would have liked to see in the project. I love hearing the students present to their friends and I love hearing the kind and helpful feedback from the rest of the class!
AuthorK-5th Technology Teacher in our iPad Lab. I love what I am blessed to do each day! Archives
February 2018